Community Service

After more than forty years in family practice, The Family Health Centers understands the value of community. We survive and thrive because we take care of one another. We listen. We give. We make healthy choices. We reach for goals. We do it together. We appreciate our loyal patients who make our community support possible.
Pictured: The Family Health Centers team delivers 2019 holiday gifts for students of ELIADA.

In family practice, providers used “evidence-based” principles of medicine to guide care decisions. This approach underscores the importance of science and STEAM education in our society. To show our support of science and how it improves our health and wellbeing every day, we participated in the 2017 Asheville “March for Science.” The Family Health Centers’ Dr. Holly Musgrove, along with her family, delivered the keynote speech, “Health, Medicine and Science.”

Adequate nutrition is vital to good health. This motivates us to work with MANNA Foodbank and it’s efforts to reduce food insecurity in Western North Carolina. What’s “food insecurity?” It’s when families don’t have the resources or access to the healthy food that they need to stay stay well. Each year, our practice runs a food drive for MANNA – we recently delivered 490 lbs. of food donated by our team members. We also work to refer our patients who need help with access to food to MANNA. We are grateful for all MANNA does to reduce hunger in our community.

Mama Maisha is an organization dedicated to preserving the lives of pregnant women and their babies in the Mara region of rural Tanzania. This non-profit organization, based in Asheville, is run by The Family Health Centers’ Dr. Jeff Graham and his wife, Dr. Reta Graham. Mama Maisha recruits women out of the villages who then become the educators of other women in the village.”It’s amazing the impact you can have just by educating these women who have virtually no education,” says Dr. Graham. In only a few years, Mama Maisha has helped almost 1,500 Tanzanian women through the course of their pregnancies. Their motto is “Saving lives two by two.”